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Wordle Master the Online Game Craze

Crack the Code with Wordle: Learn How to Play the Online Game Everyone is Talking About

how to play wordle

Wordle is a popular online word-guessing game that has taken the internet by storm. In this game, players are tasked with guessing a five-letter word in six attempts. Here’s how to play Wordle:

Step 1: Visit the Wordle website To play Wordle, visit the official website at You can also search for “Wordle game” on your preferred search engine to find the website.

Step 2: Start a new game Once you’re on the Wordle website, click on “New Game” to start a new game. A random five-letter word will be generated for you to guess.

Step 3: Guess the word You have six attempts to guess the word. Type in a five-letter word and hit the “Guess” button. The game will show you which letters in your guess are correct and in the correct position (marked with green), and which letters are correct but in the wrong position (marked with yellow).

Step 4: Keep guessing Based on the feedback you receive from the game, keep guessing words until you guess the correct word or run out of attempts. The game will let you know whether you have won or lost.

Step 5: Start a new game Once the game is over, you can start a new game by clicking on “New Game” and the game will generate a new random word for you to guess.

Tips for playing Wordle:

  1. Start with common letters - When guessing the word, it's helpful to start with letters that are commonly used in the English language, such as "E", "T", "A", "O", and "I".

  2. Pay attention to the feedback - The feedback provided by the game is crucial in helping you narrow down the possible word choices. Use it to your advantage.

  3. Take your time - There's no rush to guess the word, take your time and try to think of all possible word combinations.

  4. Keep track of previous guesses - It can be helpful to keep track of previous guesses and the feedback provided by the game. This will help you avoid repeating guesses and guide your future guesses.

In conclusion, Wordle is a fun and addictive word-guessing game that can be played online for free. Follow the steps outlined in this post, keep these tips in mind, and start playing Wordle today!

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